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Martindale Awards

Client Champion

Client Champion Silver is awarded to lawyers/firms with at least 3 reviews, with an average score of 4.0 or higher.

Martindale Ratings

Average Client Rating
Client Recommended
63% client recommended
Our reviews are compiled from our profiles on the legal directory

Reviews (12)

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I was recommended to Mr. Averett by a friend who had used him in the past. He was responsive to my calls and emails. He got me the result I wanted in my divorce and custody cases. I would use him again and I would...

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Client 2023/04/25


David represented me for divorce, support and custody in Philadelphia. He is always prepared, caring and responsive to my calls and emails. Divorce cases can be very stressful and he is always calm, cool and...

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Client 2021/02/10


David worked hard for me and was available to talk to me when I needed him. Thanks to him I am fully participating in my child's life. I would highly recommend him to anyone who needs an attorney you can trust and...

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Client 2020/12/01


David help with my case in divore and childsupport i recommended him very great lawyer.

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Client 2018/04/09


Has been my attorney for 5 years now...has helped me obtain spousal support and is currently my counsel for a divorce. He is not very aggressive when it comes to fighting for what i am asking for. He just goes...

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Client 2010/08/26


Well he s very nice guy he treated me very kind and very capacitive however when we went to court he didn't fight for me. He was very passive and didn't say much. I know next time to get a lawyer that only practice...

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Client 2023/06/28


David was recommended by my second husband while I was divorcing my first husband. He handled my divorce to my first husband and then the prenup for my second marriage. Unfortunately, my second husband set me up to...

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Client 2024/07/06


I hired David for a family law case, he was very unresponsive. There were times I had to email him 2-3 times before getting a response. The day of the hearing after going to his office, ultimately my hearing was...

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Client 2021/02/10


Mr.David Averett has caused me many sleepness nights and plenty of emotional distress because of his misinterpretation of a court order! He defends my childs father in a custody matter where we were issued...

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Client 2017/03/05


I hired David for a divorce and custody divorce was simple but custody was very hard for him. During one of my hearings, he actually said to me you are what's keeping me from being on the beach. after that he...

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Client 2017/04/17


I hired David for a family law case, he was very unresponsive. There were times I had to email him 2-3 times before getting a response. The day of the hearing after going to his office, ultimately my hearing was...

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Client 2021/02/10


David represented me for divorce, support and custody in Philadelphia. He is always prepared, caring and responsive to my calls and emails. Divorce cases can be very stressful and he is always calm, cool and...

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Client 2021/02/10